Books we've written
SQL in a Nutshell 4th
PostGIS in Action: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Editions
check out our books and download the first chapter and SQL primer free.
PostgreSQL: Up and Running (1st, 2nd, and 3rd Editions)
pgRouting: A Practical Guide
Database and Web Programming at affordable prices
Paragon Corporation is a Boston-based database consulting company specializing in database query performance optimization, open source geospatial analysis, and web applications.
We provide 24/7 technical support at very affordable prices.
Specialties include, but are not limited to: PostGIS support (all versions) and PostgreSQL Consulting, SQL Server Consulting , Microsoft Access, MySQL / MariaDB, SQLite, ASP.NET, VB.NET, C#, PHP
Mentoring and Training - You like to do things yourself - but just need a little push on how to do a particular piece or need help trouble-shooting a problem.
We also provide one-on-one and group training and mentoring at our standard rates. Check out our Boston GIS for Open source Mapping, PostGIS support, GIS, and Spatial Database SQL Server 2008 SpatiaLite PostGIS tips or
our Postgres OnLine Journal site for PostgreSQL support tips and tricks.
Intranet Application - You have a windows application or have a new application you would like to create as an intranet application for ease of manageability.
Internet Application or Site - You have an idea for a custom web application you'd like to get up quickly, or you have an existing site that needs some new functionality or changes.
MemTrack - Labor Union Software as a Service (SaaS) Refer to our Labor Union Software page for details of what we can offer your union.
ASP to ASP.NET or PHP Migration - You have a web application written in ASP and you would like it migrated to ASP.NET or PHP to take advantage of the new feature of .NET or the cross-platform/flexibility and plethora of open source sub-application add-ons for PHP.
Microsoft Access to PostgreSQL, SQL Server Upgrade - You have an Access database that has grown significantly and has become sluggish. You would like to upgrade the back-end to something more powerful such as PostgreSQL or SQL Server , and maintain the MS Access Client Front-end or create a Web Application Front-end.
Serious Database or Server Problems - You are having problems with your existing database or application server - it is locking, has become slow, or is off-line and you need help quickly. We can provide emergency services any time - day or night. We work around the clock so you don't have to.
E-Commerce - You have a product or service to sell and want a custom-tailored shopping cart with credit card service.
Upgrade a Legacy Application - You have an old application that serves most of your needs but does not work well with existing software or hardware. You need to know what can be salvaged and what needs to be redone.
Complex Application - You have a complex application that others have tried to do and failed. We are up to the challenge.
We pride ourselves on being more than programmers and developers. Many members of our team have engineering degrees and apply engineering problem solving principles to programming problems.
We have succeeded where many others have failed. We have a vast reservoir of knowledge in Logic, Probability & Statistics, Control Theory, Business Rules Methodology, Engineering, Economics, Finance, Optimization Algorithms, Operations Research, and Relational Calculus in addition to being proficient in various programming languages.
When you want to build a system that can grow with you, do not hire a mere programmer that is only versed in the bits and bytes of programming, but instead hire an engineer-minded developer with experience and training in systems analysis and cost-benefit based refactoring that guarantees greater success in changing times.